The FLOATFARM consortium is coordinated by the Technische Universität Berlin and is made up of 17 partners spread across 8 countries, each contributing technology and scientific excellence to the wind energy sector.
Technische Universität Berlin
Technische Universität Berlin is a research and education establishment in Berlin, an international metropolis and outstanding center of science. Here, in the heart of the German capital, cutting-edge ideas for the future of renewable energy are being developed. The university is comprised of 44 institutes which collectively educate approximately 34,000 students. Within FLOATFARM, the Institute for Fluid Mechanics and Technical Acoustics will coordinate the project and be active within all work packages.
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Ecole Centrale de Nantes
Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN) is a public institution characterized by its scientific, cultural, and professional focus (EPCSCP). Founded in 1919, it ranks among France's top 10 universities of technology, renowned for its specialization in engineering education. Situated in Nantes, ECN accommodates around 2,000 students, encompassing 1,800 Master's candidates in Engineering and 240 doctoral researchers.
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands
Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC), part of the Delft University of Technology, coordinates the education and research activities in systems and control combining electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and applied physics. They conduct research into fundamental aspects of dynamical systems and control as well as advancing innovative and high-tech applications, in combination with relevant industrial and academic partners. In teaching they aim to create a scientific climate where students can flourish to become independent and highly skilled engineers and scientists. The data-driven control group at the DCSC focuses on measurement and control technology of large-scale mechatronic systems that are propelled by disruptions such as wind or waves. Research is on the interface of measurement and control technology and mechanical engineering.
Universiteit Ghent
Located in Flanders, Ghent University is one of the largest Belgian universities, consisting of 50,000 students and 9,000 staff members. Research group Soete laboratory is active in both experimental and numerical research on fracture, fatigue and tribology of machine parts and mechanical constructions
DTU - Technical University of Denmark
DTU Wind and Energy Systems, with over 400 employees representing 38 countries, is the world's largest public research institute in wind energy. As one of the leading institutions, it excels in research, education, and innovation across all wind energy disciplines. Renowned for cutting-edge facilities and software infrastructure, it leads in both research and industrial applications.
Saipem SA
Saipem is an advanced technological and engineering platform for the design, construction and operation of safe and sustainable complex infrastructure and plants. Saipem has always been oriented towards technological innovation and is currently committed, alongside its clients, on the frontline of energy transition. It is listed on the Milan stock exchange.
Sowento is an independent engineering consultancy and technology advisor, with its main business fields in wind energy applications, lidar technology and floating wind as well as control applications. sowento is a spin-off from the University of Stuttgart. sowento develops in-house software, controllers and provides engineering services to its clients.
SeaPower scrl
SEAPOWER scrl is a private/public no-profit research centre participated by the University of Naples Federico II. It is involved in applied research activities mainly in the renewable energy field, offering also engineering services in several industrial sectors, such as aerospace, naval and railway. It also develops large wind and photovoltaic plant projects.
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
CNR, the Italian National Research Council, is among the largest Research Institutions in Europe. INM is the CNR Institute specialised in marine technology research. INM offers world-class hydrodynamic testing infrastructures, expertise in in-house developed experimental and numerical techniques that support the design, development, and assessment of traditional and unmanned marine vehicles, structures, and renewable energy devices and systems.
France Énergies Marines
France Energies Marines is the French Institute for the Energy Transition dedicated to offshore wind and ocean energy. With its multidisciplinary team of 85 people, the Institute’s mission is to define, set up and apply the scientific and technological environment required to overcome the obstacles facing this rapidly developing sector.
Hagnesia Wind
Hagnesia is a Swedish R&D company developing a new type of direct drive generators which are especially suitable for low-speed applications. The novel technology, characterized by an extremely high torque density, enables disruptively lightweight and compact wind power generators which can operate with high efficiency at low speed.
BW Ideol
BW Ideol is a pure player in floating offshore wind with 13 years of experience from design, execution and development of floating wind projects based on Ideol S.A.’s patented floating offshore wind technology. BW Ideol has two full-scale offshore floating wind turbines in operation in France and Japan and a significant project pipeline, including EolMed, a 3 x 10MW pre-commercial project off the French Mediterranean, and 1GW under development off Scotland. Within FLOATFARM, IDEOL is an associated partner and will bring its expertise in floating offshore wind.
Euronovia is a French consulting company (SME) specialised in supporting EU-funded projects with activities related to management and communication and dissemination of project results. Euronovia has also a strong expertise in writing grant applications in response to Horizon Europe call for proposals.