Work plan
Tower, Generator, Blade, Control
WP1: Tower, Generator, Blade, Control
- Explore the potential of low specific power rotors for improved energy capture in floating conditions;
- Advance an innovative lightweight gearless generator technology through the creation of a multi-MW design;
- Prove the potential benefits in terms of loading and turbine dynamics of the lightweight generator, and quantify their impact on design;
- Optimise and test feedforward wave-based control for FOWT;
- Open-sea demonstrations of wave sensing technology and feedforward wave control
Platform, Mooring, Cabling
WP2: Platform, Mooring, Cabling
- Focus on existing platform types: (SAIPEM Star-1, SAIPEM Hexafloat, Spar Buoy)
- Extend simulation tools for detailed point loads analysis and welded joint loads
- Optimise material savings and extreme/fatigue load reductions for FOWT platforms
- Experiment indoor lab for validation of nonlinear Hydrodynamic flow models for wind turbines
- Construct and commission of a 1:7 scaled 15 MW FOWT demonstrator platform at the MaReLab test site in Naples, Italy
- Explore new mooring and cabling technology (e.g. Taut mooring line, lazy wave) with experiments in a realistic marine environment at the MaReLab
Farm Flow Control
WP3: Farm Flow Control
- Development of higher fidelity vortex particle method wake model which will be released open-source
- Control development for floating turbine repositioning and active wake mixing
- Integrated design solutions for turbine repositioning and active wake mixing
Farm Marine Connectivity
WP4: Farm Marine Connectivity
- Develop a validation database of experiments on shared mooring systems using wave tank tests with Software-in-Loop aerodynamics and medium-scale experimental demonstrations.
- Use advanced hydrodynamics and structural models (QBlade and HAWC2Farm) to predict the dynamic behaviour of floating turbines in shared-mooring arrangement
- The first ever shared-mooring experiment at laboratory scale and the generation of an open-access dataset for model validation
- The first ever shared-mooring experimental in a representative marine environment
- Demonstrate the capabilities of QBlade and HAWC2Farm to simulate full wind farms of floating wind turbines for a medium-high level of fidelity, allowing to assess cost and material savings from the optimised wind farm design coming from WP7 with respect to a baseline case
Environmental and Sociological Impacts
WP5: Environmental and Sociological Impacts
- Enhance acoustics models for design a-priori purpose and integrate the noise impacts in ecosystem models.
- Assessment of environmental impacts of new FOW technologies (anchoring, floaters design…) following a nested spatial approach from turbine(s) to regional level.
- Investigate various scenarios and the associated mitigation measures with the various design and Operation & Maintenance developed in this project.
- Assess social impact and acceptability of FOWT development and operations.
Economic Impacts
WP6: Economic Impacts
- Development of a cost model, based on the technologies of WP 1-2 and implementation in the framework developed in WP7.
- Development of a cost model, based on the technologies of WP 3-4 and implementation in the framework developed in WP7.
- Improvement of LCOE calculation based on interaction and collaboration of industrial partners.
MDAO Framework
WP7: MDAO Framework
- Implementation of nonlinear time-domain codes (QBlade & HAWC2) into WEIS framework
- Definition of model design space parameters and input/ouput metrics for WP1-4
- Generation of a best-practices guide for multi-disciplinary optimisation of floating offshore wind turbines
- Optimisation workshop on holistic incorporation of technologies
Dissemination, Communication and exploitation
WP8: Dissemination, Communication and exploitation
- Promote the project and its results to the public at large, while engaging in a two-way exchange;
- Reach out to society while demonstrating how FLOATFARM contributes to harness the potential of offshore renewables energy in European Union;
- Make available and present the results of FLOATFARM to targeted stakeholders for knowledge transfer and uptake;
- Identify the potential different routes for innovation and exploitation of the project results in order to maximise the post-project’s impact on a large range of stakeholders.
- Contribute, upon invitation by the CINEA, to common information and dissemination activities to increase the visibility and synergies between Horizon Europe supported actions.
WP9: Management
- To manage the project in agreement with the EC rules and implement the project in timely and effective manner.
- To coordinate the work between the members of the Consortium and to monitor the project activities.
- To assess the quality and to submit deliverables and both internal and official reports.
- To establish a FAIR management of data throughout the entire project.